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I would like to say 'Thank You' to Pleasant View Councilman Steve Gibson for his hard work on keeping this Special District accountable.

Have you ever wondered about the Weber Mosquito Abatement District. This is TAXING agency! You will find this on your property tax bill! Ever wonder how much they collect and what they do with your TAX DOLLAR? Me too.

Run a quick google search and see what you find... Keep a close watch on this new blog and I will get you as much information as possible on this taxing agency. Email me for faster updates, I can be reached at

Monday, August 22, 2016

Weber County Property Tax Increase

If you did not have the opportunity to attend the meeting or read some of the information in the paper, you are missing a key issue.
First off… It is expensive to provide the necessary services to the residents within the City and within the County.
… with that being said, here is the big issue.  Our lovely City of Pleasant View has its own Police Department to the cost of over 1.1 million dollars per year.  Yes, it cost that much, no way around it really.  Now…. there are several Cities within the County that do not have their own Police Department and contract with the County for Sheriff services, however, the minimal amount they pay for the contract causes the GENERAL FUND to subsidize that by 5.2 million dollars…

Bottom line is… you and I are paying that subsidy along with the other Cities who also have their own Police Departments.  This has to stop, those Cities need to pay their FULL cost of police protection and not put that burden on us other Cities!

This is why us Cities who have our own Police Departments will be drafting a letter to the County insisting this STOP.

Please understand, it is our requirement to pay our portion of the Jail personnel along with the bailiff services for the courts.  Yes, along with some of the raises are for County personnel, that we use, however, should be be paying for other personnel (as a resident explained to me) that does not benefit Pleasant View, last time he checked, they did not give us any funding to pay our employees.  Interesting point!

I would encourage you to call or email the Commission..  their information can be found in this link…

Mayor Mileski

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